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Massimiliano, Systems


Gláucia, Psychologist


Andrea, Systems

"The experience is being very profound. We are analyzing the various aspects of music, and studying bass, in my case, with the guitar, amplifies the understanding of music as a set of different instruments, styles and practices"

Great! Learning about the concept and practice of music has been enriching.

It's therapy for me!

"For me it was a leap because I knew absolutely nothing about guitar and after a year I accumulated a repertoire of 15 songs. Very rewarding for me!I'm very happy! I really like the classes because we don't just stay in practice. There is also the complement with theory, which I think is very important."


Eric, Student

"It surprised me, fhi a great experiencebecause I didn't know much about music. 

Mand added a lot, especially the new chords."


Emily, Trade Marketing

Isabel, Shopkeeper

"I always thought I didn't have an aptitude for music and had never tried it. I learned a lot of things that I thought was impossible in a few classes, it's been very rewarding. Besides learning to play, having the theoretical part is enriching for those who have never had contact with the history of music before that way."

“The classes are well divided between theory and practice. Songs are carefully chosen for each student.

It's my therapy!”

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